Friday, August 30, 2013
the outsiders relates to my life because one day my cousin got jumped by a homeless that was a student in Sweetwater high school .so we went walking down an alley in down Africa. He was trying to steel his food because he was from another gang. he was bleeding like a zombie.he was crying like a girl
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
I can relate the life of Charlie Sheen to "The Outsiders" because Charlie Sheen has made many mistakes in life. Charlie Sheen has gotten into trouble many times, he has done drugs and he has also parties to much. He has beaten his wife and has abused his body. The life of Charlie Sheen can really relate to this book because it menschen's many things that he has done.
The outsiders
well I cant relate this to my life because im a goddie goddie. ahaha lies but ive never been in a gang. I alsohavent have friends that bennin a gang so its hard for me to realaate. what I can sy its that I hev heard of little kid gans like otnc .well that's what I think so yea that's all I can relate so yea. Bye
Monday, August 19, 2013
The outsiders ( zoraya ahumada )
I can't really describe my live as related to gangs but to Drug dealers yes. For example, my dad was in a Cartel for Mexico he couldn't get out of it or stop working for them. If he did they would kill him. He decided to leave all of that in the past but once you get out of it they hunt you don't. God tooks its hands out and took him away. I don't blame him for it, if anything it was a good idea in protection of me and my sister. If he didn't let them kill him they would go for us. So that's sort of relates to the outsides, relating with Gangs.
How I can relate the book the outsiders to my life is because my brother's and that they all used to hang out with Cholo's. My brother's friends tried to ask him if he wanted to join a gang but my brother wasn't dumb enough to join it. My brother knew if he were to join a gang he would get thrown out of the house. In my family if we were to ever join a gang or anything like that we would be in big trouble. Personally me I wouldn't join a gang I'm not that type of person.
How i would relate my life to the book "The Outsiders" by S.E Hinton is that's i had a really best friend we were like brothers :}.And one day he switched schools we stopped hanging out :( until one day he came to visit me i was happy but my mood changed when he said if i wanted to be in a gang i said no so he kept begging me but nothing changed my mind. He was really mad he said "so you made me come all this way for nothing!!" i said "no you made your self i didn't tell you to come"._. & he just left mad and since that day we've never talked to each other :(.But oh well i knew he was gonna become on when he told me to smoke and told me to tag but i never did cause someone has changed my mind about doing stupid s#it <3.well yea im done xD
The outsiders
"The Outsiders" by S.E Hinton relates to my life because of my father . When my dad was about 14 years old he lived in Mexico, my grandmother had to work so she couldn't take care of him . my dad drop out of school when he was 13 so he didn't really do anything just stay home alone . His friends also drop out of school at a real young age , so they told my dad to join there gang and my dad accepted to Join it . When my dad was about 17 years old I was born and that's when my dad decided to leave his gang and take care of me .
Sunday, August 18, 2013
How I wanna be
This year as a freshmen I wanna chage. The reaoson I wanna change is because in eight grade I coused olot of problems. One of tuose problems was talking and talking back to teachers. Well this year I'm tring to shut up and be more respectfull to my teachers and elders. onother problem is not doing my work because ththat's how I fail my clases. So this year this has to change . Ok I Promise.
The Outsiders (Relating To My Life)
"The Outsiders" by S.E Hinton relates to my life because, both sides of my family comes from gangs. My great grandfather, my dad, and uncle all have gang related experience. My great grandfather spent 10 years in prison. One of my uncles spent most of his life in and out of prisons such as San Quentin. So when I read a book like this, where these kids in gangs are fighting each other, it make me remember how big a waste of time the gang life is. Even some of my family member have realized this and turned their lives around.
In the book " The Outsiders" by S.E Hinton, it's about two gangs who don't get along one is called the greasers and the other one is called the socs (socials). I can relate this to my cousin Miranda or my brother Junior because she use to be in a gang, and she would always get into fights for stupid reasons. I can relate this to my bother too, because he would be in a gang and he would get in a lot of trouble sometimes with the police. So one day I decided to talk to them and ask them why did they want to be in a gang ? If the only thing they would do will be disappoint our moms if they went to jail or do something worst. I was really sad so they both told me that they would get out of the gang and try to be a better person in life. (:
First is this blog that you connect to the book Mrs. A ? ( tell me in class then I will fixed )and if it this then here I go.
"Outsiders" that can connect to me all a lot. I had a cousin that his parents wouldn't care about him. So he decided to go on gang called Tigers. They name tigers because that was his baseball team called so he thought about that. Anyways he join it, he told me ( we were like bros ). One time he told to with his gang. I said "no" he told "come on nothing bad is going to happen im here with you" I still said "no." After, that he left to go eat. The next day midnight he knocks on my door I was still up and my cousin said lets go. I told him where ? Outside !! duh?!?!?! I told him straight up, "Charlie dont you think going on a gang is bad and you can get in all lot of trouble !! He didnt speak. Charlie your parents do love you and if they didnt your parents could of sent to that place where they can raised baby's ? Also Charlie going on gang can cause you been dead hurt or in jail. After that he try to kick my butt but he didnt. Next morning, he told me "your right form last night of the talk." Then I ask him " so you quit ?" "Yes" Charlie said.
"Outsiders" that can connect to me all a lot. I had a cousin that his parents wouldn't care about him. So he decided to go on gang called Tigers. They name tigers because that was his baseball team called so he thought about that. Anyways he join it, he told me ( we were like bros ). One time he told to with his gang. I said "no" he told "come on nothing bad is going to happen im here with you" I still said "no." After, that he left to go eat. The next day midnight he knocks on my door I was still up and my cousin said lets go. I told him where ? Outside !! duh?!?!?! I told him straight up, "Charlie dont you think going on a gang is bad and you can get in all lot of trouble !! He didnt speak. Charlie your parents do love you and if they didnt your parents could of sent to that place where they can raised baby's ? Also Charlie going on gang can cause you been dead hurt or in jail. After that he try to kick my butt but he didnt. Next morning, he told me "your right form last night of the talk." Then I ask him " so you quit ?" "Yes" Charlie said.
Alfredo Andujar
I relate the book ''The Outsiders'' by S.E Hinton to my life because i have a cousin who is also in gangs and does a lot of bad stuff he always ends up in jail but he gets out real fast. However , this book reminds me of my cousin because he always gets in trouble and he dosen't care about his future he has been expelled of many schools due to his problems . In the Book Pony boy and his brother's and sister are in many problems due to gang violations, My cousin hasn't gone that far by messing up our family but there's been many times where he and his gang members friends been doing drugs outside his house that's also a big problem with my cousin he does not know when to stop all this is happening to him because of drugs and problems with his parents .This is how i relate this book to my life because there's been many scenes in the book that had happen to me in real life .
In the book titled "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton I read that, there are two gang known as the Greasers and the Socs (socials), they don't get along and the socs jumped two kids named Johnny and Ponyboy. To this day i don't know anyone who is in gang related stuff. But i have experinced other people jumping a poor man. I still get that image in my head of how bad they were betting the guy up. Once the police came and they mentioned what had happend to the man laying in the ground all you can hear was one of his family members screaming and crying for the poor man. I can't belive someone would do something like this. Its something i would never forget & a bad experience.
Relating to The Outsiders
In the story titled, The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, this story was bout how Greasers were jumped by the Socs. Iv'e never been experienced like this story, but i had a friend who did. Her name was Cristina, and she would steal things, and get into fights. She said that, "it was good to steal stuff''. I asked her "why is it good to steal stuff and get into fights?" she said, " it was fun and she didn't have anything else to do. I was really shocked and sad that she wanted to be that kind of person. This is how my friend can relate to The Outsiders.
My Goals
My goal is to, get better grades. I want to be successful and have a good future. I will study everyday, to reach my goal. When i don't understand something, i will ask questions. Asking questions is not bad. If you don't understand something or don't know to do, ask for help. My second goal is, to focus more in the things that i didn't really work on. You have to have motivation, and determination on being a successful person.
Relating to "The Outsiders"
In the book "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton it talks about how the greasers and socials don't get along. I have never experienced this, but I know someone who has. She was a very good friend of mines. She would jump other people because people from her own gang would tell her to, steal, and do other bad stuff. In chapter 2, Ponyboy meets a Soc. They seem to get along in the beginning, but then Ponyboy thinks she's like the rest of the socials. This reminded me of my friend because she related to this a lot.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Relating To The Outsiders
I've read chapter one and two from "The Outsiders" so far and I can sorta relate to it. I can relate to ponyboy because his brother is over protected of him and, so is my older brother. His brother wants ponyboy to do good in school so I get that a lot from the brother. Thats pretty much it.
Hi my name is Juan González and I can't relate this book to me but I had a friend before who was in a gang and this kind of relates to him because in the story (THE OUTSIDERS)by S.E Hinton I saw that Ponyboy Curtis got jumped in the middle of nowhere by the Sc and that he was cut by them and he was crying.Because one time me and my friends were walking to the store when we had a call from our friend to go get him because he was hurt and he was crying so we went to help him and he was liying on the corner of the dumpster and he had a broken arm and he was crying and across the corner when we saw across the other street laughing at him. So this reminds me of the story because he got jumped by the other gang and he got hurt and was bleeding and crying
Hi my name is Juan González and I'm in 9nth grade. One goal that I will achieve this year is to get good grades in all my classes (A's and B's). I will achieve this goal by doing all my homework like I suppost to, finish all my work, and to participate in class. Another goal I will achieve this year is to pass all my tests this year. The way I'm going to pass all my tests is to review all my notes before taking a test, asking question about the homework or what I don't get, and to participate in class.
My last goal I will achieve this year is to have a good grade in my behavior. I will achieve this goal by not talking in class. Also be always paying attention in class and to ask question. Lastly I will achieve this goal by learning what I suppost to and to finish all my work.
My last goal I will achieve this year is to have a good grade in my behavior. I will achieve this goal by not talking in class. Also be always paying attention in class and to ask question. Lastly I will achieve this goal by learning what I suppost to and to finish all my work.
Piedro S. Rivera
Cristian Contreras
Outsiders Reflection
In the book the outsiders by S.E Hinton Ponyboy Curtis seems to like sunsets and books out of the whole gang. I sometimes feel that so many people I know don't like nature and sunsets like me. I sometimes often wonder if anybody else out there liked these things. I found out I was wrong when I saw my cousion and all she talked about the whole day was nature and science. I now feel happy and not the only one to like nice pure things.
Outsiders Reflection
In the book the outsiders by S.E Hinton Ponyboy Curtis seems to like sunsets and books out of the whole gang. I sometimes feel that so many people I know don't like nature and sunsets like me. I sometimes often wonder if anybody else out there liked these things. I found out I was wrong when I saw my cousion and all she talked about the whole day was nature and science. I now feel happy and not the only one to like nice pure things.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Relating to The Outsiders
In the book , "The Outsiders," by S.E. Hinton , the author explains how the Greasers get
jumped by the Socs . I have not experienced anything in this book , but someone i know does .
This person is my friend , he was a gang member and he would jump other gangs . He ran the
risk of getting killed . He was in jail for 7 - 10 years for killing someone . He got in fights , stold ,
and did alot of bad stuff that was illegal . This is how my friend can relate to "The Outsiders."
Relating to the Outsiders
My cousin joined kinda like a gang they called themselves 187 ' which means murder... & most of his friends got out , so did he.. and they realized they didn't need any of the other guys and started living life to the fullest and half of his friends know my family and me of course. We treat them like they were our own.. so it's kinda like Freedom Writers we protect our own, and we wont let anything happen to each other.
The End :)
Monday, August 12, 2013
"Looking Back" Survey
Samuel Benitez
Parent My Mommy
1. One important thing she learned in high school is to do your assignments.
2. Second important that she remembers in high school is to get goods. This were important for her because is going to affect your future. I'm going to learn from them by not making bad decisions while I'm in high school
If she had the change to go back in time she will make her family to do whatever she want when she was at high school and to go to college.
She thinks that she leanred the most in her Spanish class because she will always take notes not matter what, will always read and do her homework. Also she had two class to understand what she learned to double check.
She will give advice to a student to have a good high school years. Another advice she will give is to dont be popular. Listen to your teachers at all time, behave, dont go to the bad side, do your assignments, and get all your A-G class and pass them.
Parent My Mommy
1. One important thing she learned in high school is to do your assignments.
2. Second important that she remembers in high school is to get goods. This were important for her because is going to affect your future. I'm going to learn from them by not making bad decisions while I'm in high school
If she had the change to go back in time she will make her family to do whatever she want when she was at high school and to go to college.
She thinks that she leanred the most in her Spanish class because she will always take notes not matter what, will always read and do her homework. Also she had two class to understand what she learned to double check.
She will give advice to a student to have a good high school years. Another advice she will give is to dont be popular. Listen to your teachers at all time, behave, dont go to the bad side, do your assignments, and get all your A-G class and pass them.
The most two important things my mother learn in High School were focusing in school, and be more discipline. They were so important because they were the school rules. She learn them by always paying attention and listening to what they would tell her to do. My mom would change her attitude in focusing more, and she would change all the teachers from high school for better ones who knew how to teach, to make her high school experience better. S he learn more from her math teacher. She learn the most from her because her teacher was more patient with the students, and more comprehensive, and would be always ready to teach her class. the advice my mom would give was to always learn as much as you can.
Hi my name is Rafael Orozco :p I live in National City I like to play Soccer with my friends.I also like to play video games when im bored,and i like to get on the internet a lot and i also text a lot.But the thing that i do the most is go and run around the park for like twenty minutes.Sometimes when im in a good mood i play bored games with my two little brothers and we wrestle when someone thinks they are cheating but at the end someone comes out crying so we stop i get in trouble even if i wasnt the one who hit him and made him cry.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
The Past
For this servery i interviewed my sister Lydia Favela. She said that when she was in high school the most important thing to her was being a cheerleader and prompting. she said they were so important because that what she looked for.
she told me if she could travel back in time she would've quit cheer and not had her boyfriend.
she told me she would quit cheer because she dint like the couch and how she was so skinny and had to carry fat girls she has back problems now so yea.
She told me none because they were all mean and old. that they all got on her nerves and that's why she dint like no teachers that worked at suhi.
the advise she gave me was "do your homework for freshman and soft more year and you wont have no problems with the teachers.
For this servery i interviewed my sister Lydia Favela. She said that when she was in high school the most important thing to her was being a cheerleader and prompting. she said they were so important because that what she looked for.
she told me if she could travel back in time she would've quit cheer and not had her boyfriend.
she told me she would quit cheer because she dint like the couch and how she was so skinny and had to carry fat girls she has back problems now so yea.
She told me none because they were all mean and old. that they all got on her nerves and that's why she dint like no teachers that worked at suhi.
the advise she gave me was "do your homework for freshman and soft more year and you wont have no problems with the teachers.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Hello, my name is Juan González and the person I interviewed was my sister. Some questions that I asked her were like what things were the most important in school,and what would she had done if she could go back in time.The first question I asked her was:What were the two or three more important things You learned in school?She said that the most important things in school was to always pay attention in class for the test and homework.Another question I asked her was:why were they so important? How did you learned from them?She said that it was important beacause she had to pass the test and to do the homework correctly.And that she learned from them because when she got a bad grade she studied her notes again for she could re-take it and get a better grade.
The next question I asked her was:If you could travel back in time,what would you change-in your own behavior or in the school itself-to make your high school experience better?What She answered was to never had dropped out of high school,to never been bad in school,to always stayed in school and to had never ditched, and to always had done the homework on time.The other question I asked her was: What teacher did You learned the most from? Why do you think you learned the most him/her?She said that she learned the most from was her English teacher.Because he use to help them when they use to write persuasive essays and prompts.Also because they use to review those stuff like for a week or until they good at it and they knew how to write persuasive essays and prompts for when they had tests or like for the CST.
The last question I asked her was:what advise would she give to me or to any student or kid to help him/her have a good high school experience?The advice that she would say to any one is To never think of quiting school, hang out with kids who get good grades, always do your homework, always be in time for School, and to never give up.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Hi (: my name is Arlene and i am 14 years old .
I was born in Chula Vista as well as my mom and my two older brothers . I live with my mom and my two brothers . My brothers are 19 and 21 years old . All of my family is mexican .
One of the things i like to do is be on facebook and instagram . Add me on facebook (Arlene Lopez) follow me on instagram ( __arlene_n***__ ) . I like soccer and i plan joining on a soccer team very soon .
My favorite color is blue . My favprite type of food is mexican food . My favorite movies are Friday and An American Crime . My favorite books are A Child Called it and The Lost Boy .
I was born in Chula Vista as well as my mom and my two older brothers . I live with my mom and my two brothers . My brothers are 19 and 21 years old . All of my family is mexican .
One of the things i like to do is be on facebook and instagram . Add me on facebook (Arlene Lopez) follow me on instagram ( __arlene_n***__ ) . I like soccer and i plan joining on a soccer team very soon .
My favorite color is blue . My favprite type of food is mexican food . My favorite movies are Friday and An American Crime . My favorite books are A Child Called it and The Lost Boy .
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
My name is Jacob Enos, I like video games and sports. One of my favorite sports is football, I have many other sports that i like though. My hobby is to go to boxing i go five days a week, while on the weekends i relax and i get ready for the week on Sunday In addition i have a busy schedule due to boxing and school so the only time i get to relax is when the weekend comes .
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Isabel Marin ♥ :)
My name is Isabel Marin. I am 13 years old, my birthday is on september 10, 1999. I like to spend time with friends and family most of the time. I think I am a very silly & outgoing girl. I like to help people out with any type of situation that they have. I'll be there 24/7. My favorite place to travel the most is San Francisco. It's a very interesting place to go because you can explore many things over there. I like to sleep and eat most of the time. I will put school and family first. I have really supportive teachers and parents. I'm thankful for that. My favorite things to do is play any type of sport travel around the world with my family and also many more things. I think my freshmen year at Sweetwater high school is gonna be great! I can't wait for the exciting events and all the fun stuff here :)
Hi, my name is Alberto, Bernardo, Jerry, Lorenzo, Parra, it is a long name but that my real name, for short is Alberto or Jerry. I was born in Chula Vista but raise in National City. I'm 14 year old, also I am the second tallest in my family. My favorite sport is football but I not playing freshman football until the following season. I play Quarterback most of the time but as usual most people think I play wide receiver. The music I like to listen is old hip-hop like Run-DMC or Kurtis Blow. The reason I like it because it was the beat and the lyrics. Also I like country too. I like being active most time but sometime I get too lazy under times that I need to do things that are really important. My favorite show is Sanford and Son. I like that show because it is hilarious. Since I was little, I always wanted to go to Sweetwater, now the time have come and I feel happy to be here. Now I need to do is study for the grades that I need for the college that I want to go. Michigan University.
Hello my name is Piedro S. Rivera and this are the things I likr doing in my life. Initially, I like playing sports with my family from Mexico and when were done playing we have this big dinner and sing some songs. Furtheremore, I like playing video games ever since i was four years old and iI still remember my fist game ever played was in the Nintedo 64 playing "Super Mario."Also, I like to met new people around the world when I play my Xbox 360 or PS3, its really fun knowing when your playing with someone far away beacuz you could learn something new. Next, I like to listen to music because it relaxes me and it helps me to calm down when im having trouble doing homework or having a argument wuth someone.
Aditionally, I live with my mom and sister my parents are divorce but thet still have a good friendship for me and my sister couls see both of them. My dad comes an visites to se us and sometimes we go to his house and play with the hammster or dog. many times me and my dad we play basketball or soccer moostly anything we like to try new thing and be active. Me and my sister always play around like me playing with her barbies (boring) then its her playing video games with me. I like to eat new things from other places like this one time i went to the fair there was a deep fry ice cream and it tasted deliciouse. However, I threw up on the ride (it looked like baby food to me).
Trisitionally, I had a good child-hood memary because I did a lot of fun things as a child. One, I learned how to ride a mortocycle and it was fun. Then, I went to many places with my mom and dad like Lego Land, SeaWorld, ect... Also, i always had fun playing with my toys like my legos, I would build many new things with every lego i get like a air plane or a truck many things. I had my first goal as a little kid in my soccer team and a met some new friends in my team. However. as i got older i stoped playing with my toys(except my legos) and my favorite blanket, but i still have fun with my friends and family. In conclusion, this is my life and how I live it with my friends and family.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Hi,My name is Karl Feria,:)) I was born in the Philippines on December,7,1998.I'm 14 years old,turning 15.What I like is,I like listening to Music,I like playing sports,but one of my favorites is basketball because it make me happy.I like to hanging out with my friends everyday because they also made me happy.I also like mexican food like carne asada fries and tacos.
I live with my,Dad,Brother,Grandma.As you can see I don't live with my Mom,because she's still in the philippines.Eventually we will be together soon.
When I finish to college I would like to be a police officer,to help other people who's in danger and also to punished bad people.
My Story(:
Hi my name is Guiovanni Garcia I was born on June24,1999. I was born in chula vista at scripps hospital. I'am the youngest child of my parents,I have 3 more brothers bigger then me. One thing I enjoy doing on my free time is being with my family and go to the park and play with them.My favorite school class is mathematics also,phiscal education because i exercise and thats good for your self.Another thing I enjoy on my free time is playing soccer with my friends.One of my favorite dogs are pitbulls I actully have a pitbull red nose I like to play with her so she can stretch out.When I'am sad I like to be alone and hear music for exaple,I like to clean my room and hear music and be by myself.Finally I like to help my mom to clean the house and hang out with my family on weekends.Lastly this is who I'am and this is a little bit about me.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Hi my name is Jaqui Farias and I'm fourteen years old . Theirs nothing really important to know about me . I like to hang out with my friends and meet new people . What I like to do during my free time is play my guitar and be with my family . I love playing volleyball and football . I'm planning to join SUHI's volleyball and I hope ill make the team . My favorite artist is Lana Del Rey✌and Lohanthony is my also my favorite YouTuber . Well that's all their is too say about my bye .
Arturo Quiroz: A Weaver Of Dreams In The Loom Of The Mind
I am a man of few words, who has been forced to write a blog. If you wanna find out anything about me ask NSA, but that takes too long so I'll just tell you. My name is Arturo Quiroz and I don't like the world. Some of my hobbies are playing Xbox (ArturoQ23) and going to school. I listen to just about any music from the 50s' to late 90s', anything else I don't have time for. If you wanna find out anything else just ask me (LIKE A NORMAL PERSON).
Hey CX
Well my name is Jesse Cockburn and allot of people make fun of my last name but i am already used to people making fun of me i don't care anymore. i am also a student at sweet water High school and i am a freshmen.But i don't like school and i talk a lot.
when i get mad i cant control my anger. My favorite sport is boxing and im actually going to going.
My favorite food is orange chicken from panda express. my favorite movies is The conjuring that thing is scary when i watched it at regal i dint want to go to the bathroom buy myself. i was too scared. I also like to go party and kick it with my friends but in English class i troll with Kayla. shes so funny. but yea. cx
I might not be the best student but i know i could try unless somebody tell me something rude and that's when i will light up in flames except for that were Good. I also hardly do homework but my mom makes me do it so yea. there's is also lots of pretty girls at sweet water but allot of them are ratchet and ugly.
so yea know you know a little about me and there's more but HMU later yea okay BY.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Hi my name is Liliana but everyone calls me Lilo , I prefer the name Lilo. I live with my mom, grandmother, sister and brother. On Saturdays I hang out with my friends and family, but on Sundays I wake up early and go to church. I love going to school, my best subjects are English and Algebra. On my spare time I like to listen to music. I also like to play volleyball and basketball last year I played volleyball I love playing volleyball. I help my grandma babysit my nieces and nephew's. I am a freshmen at Sweetwater High, I am going to try to do my best this year to pass all my classes. I love to help people with their problems, I don't like to see people crying or sad.
I don't like when people don't take my compliment , I love being nice to people and helping them with their problems it makes me feel good about myself . ill be a little shy at first but when you get to know me ill act crazy.
I don't like when people don't take my compliment , I love being nice to people and helping them with their problems it makes me feel good about myself . ill be a little shy at first but when you get to know me ill act crazy.
Hi my name is Fatima Covarrubias i'm 14years old I live in National City. And I'm going to tell you guys somethings about me. I went to PennElementary for second threw fifth. Well I my favorite Color is red and black. Also my favorite Animal is a dog. I'm a fan of Falling in Revers, Pierce the Veil, Bring me The Horizon and more. I like to play with my family. I have three brothers and one sister. Also I three best friends that i can trust on anything.Also i'm a very shy person. I don' like to talk that much. My favorite sport is soccer. I'm a fan of soccer I like to run. Also I like to hang out with my friends. I don't really like talking to teachers. I hate spiders they scare me. I'm not a fan of reading that much. My favorite thing to do at school is science. I like to be with my family and talk outside.
♥ ~ My Life ~ ♥
My name is Yulia Zamora I'm currently 14 I come from Mexico, I grew up in National City since I was little. I grew up with two brothers, Ramiro is the oldest one his 21 and has a wife with two daughters, we call him Junior because he has the same names as his dad. Then Jorge is my older brother his 15 about to be 16 which his a year older than me, and he like to play guitar and tuba. Lastly it's me the youngest one which sucks, because my mom treats me like a little baby she's so over protective but that's only because she cares, and my dad is the one who always takes me to school, and works really hard to give us what we want that's why I love my dad and mom c,: . I also have 3 dogs and 1 cat.
One of my favorites things to do is hear music, I listen to all kinds for example rock, bachata, pop, techno ect. One of my favorites bands from rock is Nirvana, and Red Hot Chilli Peppers. From bachata my favorite singer is Romeo Santos and Prince Royce. I remember when I was little my brother Junior would make me listen to them so that's why I like them now. Sometimes when i'm bored and I want to relax I listen to soft music or I like to listen to nature sounds and lay down in bed.
Our mexican traditions is have family time with the whole family in Noche Buena which is Christmas Eve, we get together and make some good as champurrado, posole and lastly the best food ever tamales ♥.♥ when we make them everybody is dieing to have one. The dessert we have is capirotada which is really good. Then, another tradition we have is El Dia De Los Muertos. In other words it's like Halloween, we like to dress up and sometimes paint our faces or use masks. At 7:00 or 7:30 we go outside and go door to door for candy which is the best because I get Mexican candy and it's free !!! (: which i enjoy it. Another tradition we have is a Quincianera which is when a girl turns 15 and becomes now a lady, we have to wear a dress and invite all your friends and family. Sometimes they have chambelanes and damas and they have to do a dance or some kind of dance and entertain people, and i think i might have one even if i don't want to my mom is making me because it's a family thing we do.
When I'm bored I like to play sports also. For example I like soccer, baseball, football, and boxing (x. I like to learn more about baseball because it's the sport most of my cousins and family from my mom, and dad side play. The sport I want to learn is boxing because I think it's exciting ha (x.
The people I care about more is my family, and my best friends, Wendy is one of my best friends because I know her since 4 years and we like to do a lot of stuff together sometimes. Like one time we went to a party and they thought we were sisters c,x then it's my friend Zoraya and Cinthia which I know them since I was little (: and I know I can always trust them and last it's my friend Wendy and Jennifer their so nice. I also care about my friend Alberto, Rafael and Francisco because they have been there for me always c: .
When I grow up more my goal is to graduate High School, and go to collage to become a veterinarian. I want to make my mom and dad proud of me. I want to become a veterinarian also because I like animals and I would do anything to help them if I can. That's why I'm going to work hard this 4 years to get straight A's and get into collage just like my mom wants me to.
My name is Yulia Zamora I'm currently 14 I come from Mexico, I grew up in National City since I was little. I grew up with two brothers, Ramiro is the oldest one his 21 and has a wife with two daughters, we call him Junior because he has the same names as his dad. Then Jorge is my older brother his 15 about to be 16 which his a year older than me, and he like to play guitar and tuba. Lastly it's me the youngest one which sucks, because my mom treats me like a little baby she's so over protective but that's only because she cares, and my dad is the one who always takes me to school, and works really hard to give us what we want that's why I love my dad and mom c,: . I also have 3 dogs and 1 cat.
One of my favorites things to do is hear music, I listen to all kinds for example rock, bachata, pop, techno ect. One of my favorites bands from rock is Nirvana, and Red Hot Chilli Peppers. From bachata my favorite singer is Romeo Santos and Prince Royce. I remember when I was little my brother Junior would make me listen to them so that's why I like them now. Sometimes when i'm bored and I want to relax I listen to soft music or I like to listen to nature sounds and lay down in bed.
Our mexican traditions is have family time with the whole family in Noche Buena which is Christmas Eve, we get together and make some good as champurrado, posole and lastly the best food ever tamales ♥.♥ when we make them everybody is dieing to have one. The dessert we have is capirotada which is really good. Then, another tradition we have is El Dia De Los Muertos. In other words it's like Halloween, we like to dress up and sometimes paint our faces or use masks. At 7:00 or 7:30 we go outside and go door to door for candy which is the best because I get Mexican candy and it's free !!! (: which i enjoy it. Another tradition we have is a Quincianera which is when a girl turns 15 and becomes now a lady, we have to wear a dress and invite all your friends and family. Sometimes they have chambelanes and damas and they have to do a dance or some kind of dance and entertain people, and i think i might have one even if i don't want to my mom is making me because it's a family thing we do.
When I'm bored I like to play sports also. For example I like soccer, baseball, football, and boxing (x. I like to learn more about baseball because it's the sport most of my cousins and family from my mom, and dad side play. The sport I want to learn is boxing because I think it's exciting ha (x.
The people I care about more is my family, and my best friends, Wendy is one of my best friends because I know her since 4 years and we like to do a lot of stuff together sometimes. Like one time we went to a party and they thought we were sisters c,x then it's my friend Zoraya and Cinthia which I know them since I was little (: and I know I can always trust them and last it's my friend Wendy and Jennifer their so nice. I also care about my friend Alberto, Rafael and Francisco because they have been there for me always c: .
When I grow up more my goal is to graduate High School, and go to collage to become a veterinarian. I want to make my mom and dad proud of me. I want to become a veterinarian also because I like animals and I would do anything to help them if I can. That's why I'm going to work hard this 4 years to get straight A's and get into collage just like my mom wants me to.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Hi, my name is Samuel Benitez I'm going to be 15 this year on October 2. I'm so excited to be 15 years old !!! xD.
Anyways I like soccer, that's my favorite sport of all around the world!! Im not good at all but when i was a little kid I will always like to play soccer with my friends and family me Im active, I go outside and play soccer with my friends, I go to the beach with my uncle in our bikes, and I get some times get lazy to go outside and play. Lol also I play soccer with my family members which is always fun for me even though I dont know how play soccer that much L0l. The most thing that I like from soccer is been the goal keeper ! Thats my best from playing soccer !! :)
Also my favorite type of music is Skrillex. I don't know if you know that type of music but that type of music is like doing the robot but using you whole body. xD
Im active, I go outside and play soccer with my friends, I go to the beach with my uncle in our bikes, and I get some times get lazy to go outside and play.
By the way, Im from National City where all crime happens hehehe and as you know I go to SUHS. So far I have been like this school so far. I'm meeting new teachers and better friends :). I live with my sister name, my mom, and my step-dad. Well thats all i have to say about me ohhhh i almost forgot that im a bipolar and im a scandal in classes !!
I almost forgot that I play video games all the time with people around the world and my friends from school. When I was a young boy I will always tell my parents to my the new Mario games and every time when a new system come out I tell my mom to but for me !!! xD Now in days im play actions games which our ; Call of Duty ( COD ), Battlefield, Zombies, and this other type of games :D.
Well I believe thats all I have to talk about my self so Samuel Benitez was here Deuces xDDDD !!!!
Anyways I like soccer, that's my favorite sport of all around the world!! Im not good at all but when i was a little kid I will always like to play soccer with my friends and family me Im active, I go outside and play soccer with my friends, I go to the beach with my uncle in our bikes, and I get some times get lazy to go outside and play. Lol also I play soccer with my family members which is always fun for me even though I dont know how play soccer that much L0l. The most thing that I like from soccer is been the goal keeper ! Thats my best from playing soccer !! :)
Also my favorite type of music is Skrillex. I don't know if you know that type of music but that type of music is like doing the robot but using you whole body. xD
Im active, I go outside and play soccer with my friends, I go to the beach with my uncle in our bikes, and I get some times get lazy to go outside and play.
By the way, Im from National City where all crime happens hehehe and as you know I go to SUHS. So far I have been like this school so far. I'm meeting new teachers and better friends :). I live with my sister name, my mom, and my step-dad. Well thats all i have to say about me ohhhh i almost forgot that im a bipolar and im a scandal in classes !!
I almost forgot that I play video games all the time with people around the world and my friends from school. When I was a young boy I will always tell my parents to my the new Mario games and every time when a new system come out I tell my mom to but for me !!! xD Now in days im play actions games which our ; Call of Duty ( COD ), Battlefield, Zombies, and this other type of games :D.
Well I believe thats all I have to talk about my self so Samuel Benitez was here Deuces xDDDD !!!!
my name is Leslie Gutierrez I'm currently 13 years old and in the 9th
grade. I would like to become a pediatrician but that takes a lot of
years in education and training, and i'm not a big fan of school. :p I
was born in San Bernandino, Redlands. I was raised in Tecate, a small city in Baja California, and later i came to National City and I've lived here since then. Some things about me: I'm shy and usually quiet around people i don't know. I'm really nice and outgoing, once you get to know me (i don't look for trouble). I like to listen to any type of music & hangout with friends on my free time. I have a great family which they support me and love me (i think). Um so yeah that's everything there is to know bout me. (:
Hi, my name is Jennifer Zamarripa. I'am currently 14 years old. My birthday is on Dec. 27, 1998.
I was born in California. I live in National City. My favorite color is, pink & blue. My favorite food is, cevichi. My favorite sport is, cheer. I'am in JV cheer for SUHI Devils!!! (: I'am nice and fun to hang out with. But, if you get me mad, i will go loca on you. I love meeting new people & making new friends. When i grow up, i want to be an actor or a fashion designer. I want to travel around the world & see new things. I've always wanted to go to Hawaii. My favorite animal is, a dolphin. I love music. My favorite holiday is, Christmas, Halloween, & my birthday. Well, that's everything about me.
A little bit about me.....
Cristian Contreras
Period 1/6
Hi, my name is Cristian A. Contreras. I was born in Anaheim, Orange county. My father was in the military, so that is the reason we moved to San Diego, ended up staying here. I am going to be 15 in Aug. 14th. I have a family of seven which consist of my mother, My father, My two younger sisters, and my older cousin Sergio Reyes, and last but not least Granada my pet Chihuahua. I like to draw manga, play videogames, read books, play tennis, play basketball, and ride my mountain bike with my family. My dad and I like to collect exotic birds from Asia, and breed them as well. My life is pretty average.
I Love to eat vietnamese Pho, steamed Chinese dumplings mexican, burritos, and American hamburgers as you can tell by the picture. I wish to be a writer of great books, and editor of Hollywood films. I also would like to travel to china to get to know their culture better which I am in love with.
I Love to eat vietnamese Pho, steamed Chinese dumplings mexican, burritos, and American hamburgers as you can tell by the picture. I wish to be a writer of great books, and editor of Hollywood films. I also would like to travel to china to get to know their culture better which I am in love with.
I also have a disability that was diagnosed when I was in 4th grade which is Asperger's syndrome. It sometimes affects my actions, and the way I communicate with people. I have few friends because of it, but they are really good ones. I also have the ability to be smarter in certain areas. It also helps me concentrate better.
English is my favorite subject as well as the books we read. I kind of like high school, but it is too new and strange right now, but I know it will only get better. My mom is a volunteer at the high school on Fridays, so you might get to meet her. She is really friendly, and loves to help out when she can. I also have drama I like it because its fun and easy, I can't wait to do my first play. Thank you again Mrs. Amezcua.....
Yes I finished the meal.....
Alfredo Andujar
Hello :), My Name is Alfredo Andujar i m 13 years old ,From Los Angeles C.A , I am a very cool Guy i like to play sports such as soccer and basketball and i also like to play videogames like ps3 .My favorite thing to do is to play sports and be active because i dont like being bored at home :) . I been looking forward to highschool because i want to join soccer and also to meet new people . I like to help others when they have problems or need help i like being friendly and get along with others :).
My favorite activities are to go camping with my family over at L.a . I also like to travel alot when i grow up i am planing to travel to spain and many other places like Italy and France. My Favorite Food is pizza i mean who dosen't like pizza especially when its from Pizza Hut :) Anyways i like to be very organize i always want to do things perfect or almost perfect xD . My plans for the future are to go to college and get a carreer as a profesional soccer player . In My free time i like to watch scary movies because their my favorite , i also like music any type as long as is not boring . I Like to hang around with my friends and have fun i am not a boring person i like to be funny :) I also like reading only if its a interesting book or else i will fall asleep xD So As you can see thats me and the things i like to do :) .
My favorite activities are to go camping with my family over at L.a . I also like to travel alot when i grow up i am planing to travel to spain and many other places like Italy and France. My Favorite Food is pizza i mean who dosen't like pizza especially when its from Pizza Hut :) Anyways i like to be very organize i always want to do things perfect or almost perfect xD . My plans for the future are to go to college and get a carreer as a profesional soccer player . In My free time i like to watch scary movies because their my favorite , i also like music any type as long as is not boring . I Like to hang around with my friends and have fun i am not a boring person i like to be funny :) I also like reading only if its a interesting book or else i will fall asleep xD So As you can see thats me and the things i like to do :) .
Friday, August 2, 2013
Hi, my name is Juan Gonzalez. I live in National City and I was born in T.J in November, 27 1998. I'm 14 years old I am about to turn 15 and I go to SweetWater Highschool. I like to hear music (any type). I also like to hang out with my friends on the weekends. I live with my mom, dad, brother, and sister. My favorite classes are Algebra and English. Sometimes I go to church and always do my homework when I come from school. I'm shy,and nervous when I come to a new school.
I am not a normal kid, though i'm kind of a wierd kid. I'll like to work as a police officer when I grow up. I went to 5 different schools in the district. I help my mom to clean the house every day. Also I go shopping with my dad every week. And I also go washing with my mom every week. Every year;during my vacations me and my family go to Guadalajara for two weeks because we usually have some special events of my church. I also go every month to t.j to visit my grandmas, grandpas, and my aunts that can not come over here.My favorite type of food are carne asada fries,pizza, hamburger, pozole, tacos de birria, enchiladas,chicken, white rice, menudo, chicken soup,and macaroni and cheese. My favorite type of shoes are Vans, Converse, and favorite sports are football and soccer. Lastly my favorite things to do are playing football going shopping, and hanging out with my friends.
Zoraya Ahumada
Greetings humans, I am currently 14 years old enjoying life my name i s Zoraya Anette Ahumada Martinez . I have ADHD it's pretty much a learning diability and what it does it spaces you out during class or you have trouble focusing on just one thing. My dad passed away after being kidnapped, so i now have a stepdad and my mother. I live with them and my 3 brothers and 3 sisters. My career i am choosing is Military the branch of U.S Army working in combat. I speak 2 languages(English and Spanish) and trying to learn Persian. I'm not a really friendly person in a way I'm still nice i don't know how that works. My favorite kind of music is Alternative rock and Deathcore mostly the bands Chelsea Grin and Suicide Silence those bands got me to live life the fullest. My favorite song by Suicide Silence is You Only Live Once & Chelsea Grin is Lifeless.
Furthermore i have 2 bestfriends named Daniel and Yulia i love them so much i have their back for anything i cry for the random things everyday i don't know why i tempt to but whatever. I have a twin sister her name is Zaira Ahumada she's a nice person and gets me out of so much trouble. I have my sisters back on everything, I would do anything just to see her smile. I go to Sweetwater High school obviously. I was once Homeschooled when my dad was around and then i started to attend a school named Las Palmas and for 2,3,4,5 & 6 grade i went to Olivewood i had a great childhood. I've had a great experience in life so far, i've learned from the GOOD and BAD. I literally listen to music 24/7 mostly to get me out of the world and live into my own. Singing is my favorite part of music, it's a great feature that rarely people have. So there you have a summary and tour of my life ((:
My short story (:
Hi my name is Wendy Moreno , I'm 14 years old , my birthday is on July 16 it was last month . I been living in National City since i was 4 years old . I went to National City middle school and now i'm going to SweetWater (: i am a freshman . when I graduate I want to join the Navy . i'm mexican and proud of that (; <3 . I live in a apartment with my father , grandmother and uncle . I have 1 half sister and 1 half brother from part of my mother one is a girl and the other one is a boy i haven't meet them i hope one day I will . i dong really like spending time with my family cause they judge me a lot but anways , I love listening to music , I listen to music everyday , I listen to every type of music . My favorite band is sleeping with sirens (: , I'm a really shy person o; but ounce you get to know me more I'm not that shy (; . I don't really talk to people unless they talk to me or if I really know you I will talk to you . I'm acutally a nice person but it all depends on how you treat me c:< . I'm really pi-polar just like my dad (: I think I got that from my dad . The only thing I like to eat is Carne asada fries but I can't eat that all the time ): . My favorite type of chips are Takis (: and my favorite type of drink is Arizona . My main favorite colors are Blue , hot pink , black and red . I hate the colors green , yellow and orange -.- . My favorite animal are pandas <3 (': . Well uhm idk what else to say o; so like yeah k bye . (; ✌
Hello fellow students of Sweetwater High School. My name is Raudel Ortega Jr and I'm fourteen years old. I am from Los Angeles, California where my family and I are from. My great grandmother was from Guadalajara. Mexico. I live with my mom, my older cousin who is seventeen years old, and my step-dad. I love to watch funny TV shows, play video games, listen to music, and hanging with my friends. My favorite types of music are hip hop, rap, and r&b. My favorite music artists are Linkin Park, T-pain, and Maroon 5. Also, I like to play around with my little cousins who can be annoying sometimes but in the end they're my family, I love them, and family always comes first. I have a total of six cousins. Three of them I've grown up with so they're kind of like my brother and sisters. My three younger cousins are very energetic. I love my whole family because they support me in everything that i do and have given me advice on what choices I should make for my future which is only three years away. That's me and thank you for reading. Remember, comment on my post if you like it. Thank you.
Arlene .
Hello , my name is Arlene Lopez (: I am currently 14 , turning 15 on May 8 , of next year. I was born in Chula Vista. My mom was born in Chula Vista as well. I live with my 2 older brothers. Their names are Juan & Cristian , Juan is 21 & Cristian is 19. My mom & two brothers went to NCMS & Sweetwater. I do not live with my dad , & I have a step sister & I have no idea how old she is (x lol. Ever since I was born , I've lived in National City. One of the things I like to do is be on Facebook. One of my long term goals is graduate from high school & graduate from college & also become a physical therapist. Well now to talk about me more , I can be very nice , but I can also be mean. That's all for now (: duces yoo' (x <3
go away.
Hello, my name is Guadalupe but you can call me Lupita for short ugh i hate my name it sounds so Mexican I swear. I was born on December 29, 1998 and turning 15 this year. My dad is fully Hispanic and my mom is from Iran which is located in the middle eastern so that makes me an Arab mixed with Latin. I was born and raised in San Diego. I go to Sweetwater High School and after I graduate I want to join the military or attend college which I doubt it because I hate school. I live with my parents and I have a older brother which is in U.S military and station in Hawaii. I'm a nice and friendly person if not I'm mean as hell. I love avocado its so good I'm obsessed with it. I love being around positive people nothing but good vibes up in here ya feel me ? I like bands and classic rock I wish I lived in era of the 80s and 90s because it looked like fun back then. I wear braces I used to have some ugly ass teeth but there getting better and I'm loving it holla at me !! Well that's all I don't want people to know my whole business you're irrelevant to me so bye.
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